Associate Senior Group District Director
Inspiring Mentorship for Breakthrough Results
Joining this industry in the midst of a global recession in 1999. Many would thought i won't surpass the first year and giving up my career as a sales engineer was suicidal many felt. Experiencing the many peaks and troughs in my career as a realtor strengthens me further. In my mid years of my real estate career I began guiding realtors that come on board.
Team building to me is not about numbers, i prefer a smaller outfit that i am able to give my associates full attention. It's about changing people lives & touching their hearts with what we possess.
With NLG excellent platform & my sales system, i have set out to ensure my associates will never be left high and dry. Many of them have been with me for a decade and we are glad we are able to journey together with NLG.
While I was focusing on property sales and as company project in-charge, I achieved consistent Top 10 Monthly Manager and Annual awards and through mentoring my agents, have since helped many achieve even greater results.
Today, I lead a great bunch of more than 50 agents in Navis Living Group and contribute to their training, growth and development as leaders and producers.
Guiding real estate agents to succeed through close mentorship and guidance
Adopting the latest techniques and strategies to help you increase your sales and team growth fast
I will share with you my step by step process in achieving consistent sales and team growth consistently over the past 2 decades.
Find out how my team of agents continue to succeed month after month with my formula that you can apply right away to soar in your career.
Grooming Leaders to Excel and Overcome
My proven formula in grooming leaders will help you discover new abilities, uncover your latent potential and multiply your team building efforts.
I will share with you and coach you on how i doubled my team sales and strength in less than 1.5 years.

The greatest joy i derive comes from seeing you succeed.
I have an open door policy, anyone and everyone have access to me. I like to have a 1-1 session with everyone in my team. Most times over coffee where we spend good and quality time discussing and understanding their challenges.
I always remember telling rookies, when they receive their first offer, don't call their spouse or friends to share the joy but call me. i like to be part of the negotiation process to ensure they have a seamless transaction.

The Only Constant In Life Is Change. The NAVIS Experience Is Nurturing & Always Evolving.
Our Proprietary mobile app, Link Up, will help you save hours off routine daily tasks, increase your closing speed and improve your efficiency.
Soar in your career by riding on collective team marketing efforts.
People are our assets, my agents are akin to my close ones. "Give and it shall be given unto you" Luke 6:38
Success can be found even you are not a millionaire producer, we don't produce millionaires we produce success. I believe in change and embrace change for the better.
In NAVIS, we are ONE big family. Enjoy working with positive, driven and like-minded individuals who will push you towards greater heights in your real estate career.


NAVIS CO-Founder
Boon Seng is a naturally driven leader who is always putting in the extra effort to help people around him succeed.He is sincere, humourous and down to earth as a person.
In spite of his commitments as a highly sought after project IC and a top achiever in sales, he is a very hands-on and generous leader who spends time with his people and mentors them every step of the way.
He is also an avid learner who constantly upgrades his skill sets and is a strong advocate of digital & video marketing.
It is my honour to have Boon Seng as a friend and a wingman to help steer our group to greater heights.
Chief Operating Officer
Orangetee & Tie
Working with Boon Seng has given me a trilling and inspiring experience. His passion has given him the drive to connect and nurture many people, he has created a dynamic and vibrant team of agents, eager to achieve success in the industry.
Boon Seng's approach to the real estate business combines brilliantly with his natural creativity to keep his people around and on their feet to push the boundaries.
His salesmanship and networking skills have helped those under his charge to forge long-lasting connections and relationships.
With his natural capacity to spot a person capability and talent, Boon Seng has helped countless agents to follow their passion to build their career and doing something they love.
It has been an honour working with Boon Seng and i look forward to seeing more great achievements and successful agents under his fearless leadership.

Emily Eng
Executive Director
Residential Services, Orangetee & Tie
Boon Seng has been appointed by the company as Project In-Charge for the last 5 years.
As one of the key leaders of the project team that he led, he has exhibited strong leadership in steering the team towards achieving sales target set by the company.
In the course of his work, Boon Seng has often gone beyond the call of duty and extended unwavering support to his team mates thus earning great respect from the people he led.
It is the pleasure of the Residential Services Department (RSD) to have Boon Seng on our panel of Project Leadership Team.